Bienvenidos al blog de los estudiantes de la clase de Educ. 528, Servicios para niños y jóvenes en la biblioteca escolar, del Programa Graduado de Servicios Bibliotecarios y Tecnología de la Información de la Universidad del Turabo, dictado por la Profesora Sra. Maritza Évora.
Con el propósito de apoyar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la biblioteca escolar, compartiremos estrategias que puedan ser utilizadas de acuerdo a los intereses y las necesidades de los usuarios.
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REsearch And Development Game On! Research into Children and Gaming (Enviado 11-7-08 por: Javier Hernández - Grupo 5)
Crystal Faris, ALSC Research and Development Committee
Recently, I asked a roomful of adults attending a book
discussion what first came to mind when asked to
describe a video or computer gamer. Laughter ensued as
the first respondent mentioned a recent commercial featuring
geeky guys in their “man cave.” Not many positive comments
followed. Clearly gaming was viewed as less valuable and less
important than reading books by this group.
The Gaming Generation
Unlike the stereotypical view of an overweight teen boy playing
mature-rated or violent games in a darkened room, the
reported average age of gamers is thirty-three, and the average
age of parents who play computer or video games is forty.1
Today’s parents of young children were children themselves
when Nintendo’s mascot Mario became more recognizable (by
children) than Mickey Mouse.2
To shatter that stereotype of the typical gamer even further,
women represent more of the gaming population than do
boys. Thirty-one percent of gamers are women age eighteen
or older, and 20 percent are boys age seventeen or younger.3
Also, the parents of that stereotypical teen boy gamer probably
know what game he is playing, as parents report monitoring
the games their children play 90 percent of the time. Finally,
that stereotypical teen boy gamer is likely to be playing a video
game rated “E” for everyone or “T” for teen, as nearly 85 percent
of all video and computer games sold in 2006 were rated “T” or
below. Only 15 percent sold were rated “M” for mature.4
The understanding many people have that playing video and
computer games contributes to the documented rise in obesity
among young people also is being proven incorrect by two
recent studies. One found no relationship between video game
play and obesity or physical inactivity, and the other found no
relationship between physical fitness and Internet-use time.5
Gaming and Learning
James Gee was one of the first academics to begin writing
about the value of video and computer gaming and the possible
implications for children and their learning. He notes that
gamers who are gaining proficiency in a new game practice
for hours, but the practice is not boring because of the virtual
worlds in which they are playing and because each success
brings more from that virtual world as well as more prestige
from other gamers.6
While gaining proficiency in the game, the learner can take
huge risks because the consequences are low. Even if a character
dies, the gamer can bring it back with another opportunity
to gain the next level, defeat the foe, and achieve multiple layers
of success.7 New learners, especially children, have few places
where they can gain proficiency with each step of practice
bringing rewards and in environments with low risk
This column was prepared by the ALSC Research and
Development Committee, which includes Crystal Faris, Gaye
Hinchliff, Mona Kerby, Bowie Kotrla, Ya-Ling Lu, Alice Neve,
and Suzanne Stauffer
Several researchers at the University of
Wisconsin–Madison have studied in
more detail the learning that takes place
in gaming, primarily in massive multiplayer
online games, or MMPOGs, as
they are commonly called. Players of
these games gain numerous skills once
only associated with the realm of education:
“[MMPOG] play is a thoroughly
literate activity involving manipulation
of texts, images, and symbols for making
meaning and achieving particular
ends.”8 Some of the literate activities
taking place in MMPOGs are “researching
equipment, making maps, managing
resources, investing currencies, building
models, designing strategies, debating
facts and theories, and writing.”9
Children from the ages of three to five
have been shown to gain prereading
skills and school readiness from computer
and video gaming. The games cultivate
their eagerness to master early
literacy skills. Older children gain logic
skills from gaming because they have
to form a hypothesis and test it. They
also experience teamwork and community
as they work together to solve
problems their virtual selves encounter
in games.10
Differing Opinions
Of course, not everyone agrees that video
and computer gaming is a learning activity
for children. There are those who
believe that the “benefits are over-hyped
and could actually harm students’ creativity
and emotional development.”11
There also are concerns regarding the
portrayal of ethnic groups and women
in video games.
In summer 2007, the American Medical
Association (AMA) issued a warning to
parents about the potential dangers of
excessive video game playing. Physicians
were reporting what they believe may be
a growing problem among children—an
addiction to video or computer gaming.
The AMA asked the American Psychiatric
Association to further study long-term
effects of video game use related to
aggressive behavior in children.12
What’s Missing?
The MacArthur Foundation believes that
more hard data is needed to understand
how digital technologies are changing
the ways children learn as well as play,
socialize, and exercise judgment. The
foundation announced in early 2007
that they are distributing $50 million to
researchers for study in this area. Some
of the research currently being funded
is into the educational benefits of commercially
available games that were not
designed for school use and what students
learn when they join other players
in role-playing games.13
More study may be needed in the gaming
experiences of young girls. While women
are reporting themselves as gamers, they
tend to be casual gamers playing online
puzzle games or drawn to Nintendo DS
games such as Brain Age. Yet, the representation
of women in computer science
and technology careers has decreased,
“and their lack of gaming experience
seems to be a part of what’s held them
back. Men who major in computer science
tend to cite video games as what
got them into the field, while women
who drop out of the major often say they
lack credentials, such as hours spent
video gaming.”14
Library Implications
Libraries and librarians have had numerous
debates about the literary merit of
book genres, and we have debated the
value of various media. All this debating
often results in our expressed hope
that each reader is valued as are all
library users of other formats. “We need
to recognize that video and computer
games have emerged as a legitimate format
for many library users. We need to
view video games as content and
service.”15 &
1. Entertainment Software
Association, Essential Facts about
the Computer and Video Game
Industry, annual study conducted
by Ipsos-Insight for the ESA
(Washington, D.C.: ESA, 2007): 2.
2. Kurt Squire and Constance
Steinkuehler, “Meet the Gamers,”
Library Journal 130, no. 7 (Apr. 15,
2005): 38–41.
3. Entertainment Software
Association, Essential Facts about
the Computer and Video Game
4. Ibid.
5. Elisabeth Hayes and Lauren
Silberman, “Incorporating Video
Games into Physical Education,”
Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance 78, no. 3
(Mar. 2007): 18–24.
6. J. P. Gee, What Video Games Have
to Teach Us about Learning and
Literacy (New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003).
7. Catherine Compton-Lilly, “What
Can Video Games Teach Us about
Teaching Reading?” The Reading
Teacher 60, no. 8 (May 2007):
8. Squire and Steinkuehler, “Meet the
Gamers,” 39.
9. Ibid.
10. Meryl Davids Landau, “9 Reasons
to Let Your Kids Play Video Games,”
Redbook 207, no. 1 (July 2006):
11. Howard Witt, “Skip the Textbook,
Play the Video Game,” Chicago
Tribune, online ed., Feb. 11,
2007, www.chicago.tribune.
702110384feb11,7988623 (accessed
Apr. 24, 2007).
12. David Walsh, “When the Game Is
the Controller,” The Washington
Post, July 7, 2007, A 15.
13. Witt, “Skip the Textbook, Play the
Video Game.”
14. Jessica Stites, “More Than a Game,”
Ms. Magazine 16, no. 3 (Summer
2006): 61.
15. Jenny Levine, “Gaming and
Libraries: Intersection of Services,”
Library Technology Reports 42, no. 5
(Sept./Oct. 2006): 11.
Recently, I asked a roomful of adults attending a book
discussion what first came to mind when asked to
describe a video or computer gamer. Laughter ensued as
the first respondent mentioned a recent commercial featuring
geeky guys in their “man cave.” Not many positive comments
followed. Clearly gaming was viewed as less valuable and less
important than reading books by this group.
The Gaming Generation
Unlike the stereotypical view of an overweight teen boy playing
mature-rated or violent games in a darkened room, the
reported average age of gamers is thirty-three, and the average
age of parents who play computer or video games is forty.1
Today’s parents of young children were children themselves
when Nintendo’s mascot Mario became more recognizable (by
children) than Mickey Mouse.2
To shatter that stereotype of the typical gamer even further,
women represent more of the gaming population than do
boys. Thirty-one percent of gamers are women age eighteen
or older, and 20 percent are boys age seventeen or younger.3
Also, the parents of that stereotypical teen boy gamer probably
know what game he is playing, as parents report monitoring
the games their children play 90 percent of the time. Finally,
that stereotypical teen boy gamer is likely to be playing a video
game rated “E” for everyone or “T” for teen, as nearly 85 percent
of all video and computer games sold in 2006 were rated “T” or
below. Only 15 percent sold were rated “M” for mature.4
The understanding many people have that playing video and
computer games contributes to the documented rise in obesity
among young people also is being proven incorrect by two
recent studies. One found no relationship between video game
play and obesity or physical inactivity, and the other found no
relationship between physical fitness and Internet-use time.5
Gaming and Learning
James Gee was one of the first academics to begin writing
about the value of video and computer gaming and the possible
implications for children and their learning. He notes that
gamers who are gaining proficiency in a new game practice
for hours, but the practice is not boring because of the virtual
worlds in which they are playing and because each success
brings more from that virtual world as well as more prestige
from other gamers.6
While gaining proficiency in the game, the learner can take
huge risks because the consequences are low. Even if a character
dies, the gamer can bring it back with another opportunity
to gain the next level, defeat the foe, and achieve multiple layers
of success.7 New learners, especially children, have few places
where they can gain proficiency with each step of practice
bringing rewards and in environments with low risk
This column was prepared by the ALSC Research and
Development Committee, which includes Crystal Faris, Gaye
Hinchliff, Mona Kerby, Bowie Kotrla, Ya-Ling Lu, Alice Neve,
and Suzanne Stauffer
Several researchers at the University of
Wisconsin–Madison have studied in
more detail the learning that takes place
in gaming, primarily in massive multiplayer
online games, or MMPOGs, as
they are commonly called. Players of
these games gain numerous skills once
only associated with the realm of education:
“[MMPOG] play is a thoroughly
literate activity involving manipulation
of texts, images, and symbols for making
meaning and achieving particular
ends.”8 Some of the literate activities
taking place in MMPOGs are “researching
equipment, making maps, managing
resources, investing currencies, building
models, designing strategies, debating
facts and theories, and writing.”9
Children from the ages of three to five
have been shown to gain prereading
skills and school readiness from computer
and video gaming. The games cultivate
their eagerness to master early
literacy skills. Older children gain logic
skills from gaming because they have
to form a hypothesis and test it. They
also experience teamwork and community
as they work together to solve
problems their virtual selves encounter
in games.10
Differing Opinions
Of course, not everyone agrees that video
and computer gaming is a learning activity
for children. There are those who
believe that the “benefits are over-hyped
and could actually harm students’ creativity
and emotional development.”11
There also are concerns regarding the
portrayal of ethnic groups and women
in video games.
In summer 2007, the American Medical
Association (AMA) issued a warning to
parents about the potential dangers of
excessive video game playing. Physicians
were reporting what they believe may be
a growing problem among children—an
addiction to video or computer gaming.
The AMA asked the American Psychiatric
Association to further study long-term
effects of video game use related to
aggressive behavior in children.12
What’s Missing?
The MacArthur Foundation believes that
more hard data is needed to understand
how digital technologies are changing
the ways children learn as well as play,
socialize, and exercise judgment. The
foundation announced in early 2007
that they are distributing $50 million to
researchers for study in this area. Some
of the research currently being funded
is into the educational benefits of commercially
available games that were not
designed for school use and what students
learn when they join other players
in role-playing games.13
More study may be needed in the gaming
experiences of young girls. While women
are reporting themselves as gamers, they
tend to be casual gamers playing online
puzzle games or drawn to Nintendo DS
games such as Brain Age. Yet, the representation
of women in computer science
and technology careers has decreased,
“and their lack of gaming experience
seems to be a part of what’s held them
back. Men who major in computer science
tend to cite video games as what
got them into the field, while women
who drop out of the major often say they
lack credentials, such as hours spent
video gaming.”14
Library Implications
Libraries and librarians have had numerous
debates about the literary merit of
book genres, and we have debated the
value of various media. All this debating
often results in our expressed hope
that each reader is valued as are all
library users of other formats. “We need
to recognize that video and computer
games have emerged as a legitimate format
for many library users. We need to
view video games as content and
service.”15 &
1. Entertainment Software
Association, Essential Facts about
the Computer and Video Game
Industry, annual study conducted
by Ipsos-Insight for the ESA
(Washington, D.C.: ESA, 2007): 2.
2. Kurt Squire and Constance
Steinkuehler, “Meet the Gamers,”
Library Journal 130, no. 7 (Apr. 15,
2005): 38–41.
3. Entertainment Software
Association, Essential Facts about
the Computer and Video Game
4. Ibid.
5. Elisabeth Hayes and Lauren
Silberman, “Incorporating Video
Games into Physical Education,”
Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance 78, no. 3
(Mar. 2007): 18–24.
6. J. P. Gee, What Video Games Have
to Teach Us about Learning and
Literacy (New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003).
7. Catherine Compton-Lilly, “What
Can Video Games Teach Us about
Teaching Reading?” The Reading
Teacher 60, no. 8 (May 2007):
8. Squire and Steinkuehler, “Meet the
Gamers,” 39.
9. Ibid.
10. Meryl Davids Landau, “9 Reasons
to Let Your Kids Play Video Games,”
Redbook 207, no. 1 (July 2006):
11. Howard Witt, “Skip the Textbook,
Play the Video Game,” Chicago
Tribune, online ed., Feb. 11,
2007, www.chicago.tribune.
702110384feb11,7988623 (accessed
Apr. 24, 2007).
12. David Walsh, “When the Game Is
the Controller,” The Washington
Post, July 7, 2007, A 15.
13. Witt, “Skip the Textbook, Play the
Video Game.”
14. Jessica Stites, “More Than a Game,”
Ms. Magazine 16, no. 3 (Summer
2006): 61.
15. Jenny Levine, “Gaming and
Libraries: Intersection of Services,”
Library Technology Reports 42, no. 5
(Sept./Oct. 2006): 11.
A Revolution in Library Service - Gaming is more than just a lure into the library (Enviado el 11-7-08 por: Javier Hernández (Grupo 5))
By Kelly Czarnecki -- School Library Journal, 5/1/2007
Also in this article:
Know what they are playing Create a time for gamingPlay with themBuild positive communicationChange your library’s image through outreachMerchandising and advertisingHave fun
The first time I saw a group of teenagers hanging out at the library hours before our gaming program was to start, I knew we were on to something amazing. I never imagined that such a strong bond between these teenagers and the library would develop over dance pads, Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Twister, and Pictionary.
While story times have always attracted the preschool and elementary crowds, many older children and teens have been apathetic at best about spending time in the library. But library service is in the midst of an exciting revolution—it’s changing and expanding to meet the needs of young people.
This month, School Library Journal debuts its new column, “The Gaming Life,” a resource to provide librarians and media specialists with information to make gaming an integral part of their library services and programming. We look forward to addressing a score of topics such as hardware selection, game reviews, administration buy-in, gaming and the curriculum, tabletop games, case studies of successful gaming programs, and much more
“Youth today are platform agnostic. Stories and information—regardless of format—are the core of the modern library, and today’s learners must be fluent in all formats, not just traditional ones,” states Beth Gallaway, library trainer, consultant, and avid gamer. By integrating video and tabletop (board, card, and dice) games into library services and programs, these youngsters are being motivated to visit on a regular basis, and libraries are evolving into inviting hubs for teens.
But gaming is not only is a lens with which to understand this generation, it also provides young people the opportunity to develop important social and educational skills including interacting with peers, adults, and family members; becoming team players; and sharpening problem-solving and literacy skills. Shana Compton, in her book Gamers: Writers, Artists, and Programmers on the Pleasure of Pixels (Soft Skull Press, 2004), states that “…games have provided us with something books, music, the plastic arts, and even film have not. We get to act as well as react. We get to play.”
Playing games has become an intergenerational phenomenon. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), “Eighty percent of gamer parents say they play video games with their kids. Sixty-six percent feel that playing games has brought their families closer together.” With the line between entertainment and educational games blurring, a survey conducted last year by RealNetworks, Inc. found that 75 percent of parents interviewed believed that playing games was beneficial.
While parental/community support is important, an invested library administration and staff is essential. I was the Young Adult Librarian at Bloomington Public Library (IL) for four years. A supportive administration and a technology manager with a vision for solid library services to children and young adults helped build the gaming program there. We used the large community room to play video games such as Dance Dance Revolution and Mario Kart, board games such as chess and Pictionary, and more. The youngsters even brought their own Yu-Gi-Oh! decks and created a space on the floor to play. Adjacent to this room was the computer lab where we networked Battlefield 1942, a first person shooter game (rated T for teens) which was a huge draw. We developed community partnerships with local gaming stores, departments of parks and recreation, and a neighboring library to reach out to many more teens. Over several years and with the help of grant money, lots of effort on the part of staff, motivated teens, and positive feedback from parents, this program became a huge success.
At the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (NC), where I am currently the Technology Education Librarian, we offer a monthly video game club, after-hours family tabletop and video gaming events. and are beginning a class in video game creation. Libraries are developing lifelong users through gaming programs.
As the column editor of “The Gaming Life,” I would like to hear about your innovative ideas for incorporating gaming into your library programming. Here are some suggestions to help your library become part of the revolution that is sweeping libraries across the country.
Know what they are playing
When young people come to the desk asking for reader’s advisory services, we probably wouldn’t hesitate to ask what book they are currently reading. But what if they are wearing an “I heart elves” t-shirt (a reference to the online game, WoW—World of Warcraft) or battling furiously with a handheld device. Ask them what they are playing and take some time to learn more about the game.
Create a time for gaming
Kids rushing into the library during or after school to competitively play RuneScape will disturb other library patrons. Think about creating a time slot just for gaming. Whether it’s right after school for an hour or two, or in between classes, set aside some time when kids can interact together over a computer screen or a table game.
Play with them
While nothing might be more humorous than playing Pictionary with a librarian who is artistically challenged, think of how it would engage young people. Give yourself the chance to interact with the population you serve by arranging for a brief break from shelving or weeding books and play games with them. There are plenty of pick up and play card games such as Apples to Apples and Fluxx.
Build positive communication
Support from and positive communication with family members can be important to tweens and teens. Plan for family game nights with a variety of games such as Monkey Ball or Burn Out. Valuing young people as resources by asking them about the kinds of gaming programs and services they would like at the library will go a long way in developing their participation.
Change your library’s image through outreach
Do you give booktalks at schools? Go one step further and bring along some cheat codes for popular video games. Depending on the age of your audience, bring a movie such as Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon to let them know about the different formats the library carries and to appeal to gamers.
Merchandising and advertising
During summer reading programs, give away prizes such as inexpensive bookmarks or more costly t-shirts or mugs that publicize your program, or ask a local gaming store to donate prizes. Have gaming opportunities that match the theme of summer reading or tournaments for Teen Tech Week. Use social networks such as MySpace to invite teens you have “friended.” They will tell their peers and the news will spread. Be sure to take photos or even videos of the activities to attract more people next time.
Have fun
It’s good to laugh at yourself when you can’t seem to remember which buttons to press on the wireless guitar for Guitar Hero II or how to steer a car on the screen so it won’t crash. It’s okay. Practice. Develop relationships with young gamers so they will want to come back to the library again and again.
Author Information
Kelly Czarnecki is the technology education librarian of ImaginOn, a collaborative venture between the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, NC. She is also the co-chair of the YALSA gaming discussion group.
Also in this article:
Know what they are playing Create a time for gamingPlay with themBuild positive communicationChange your library’s image through outreachMerchandising and advertisingHave fun
The first time I saw a group of teenagers hanging out at the library hours before our gaming program was to start, I knew we were on to something amazing. I never imagined that such a strong bond between these teenagers and the library would develop over dance pads, Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Twister, and Pictionary.
While story times have always attracted the preschool and elementary crowds, many older children and teens have been apathetic at best about spending time in the library. But library service is in the midst of an exciting revolution—it’s changing and expanding to meet the needs of young people.
This month, School Library Journal debuts its new column, “The Gaming Life,” a resource to provide librarians and media specialists with information to make gaming an integral part of their library services and programming. We look forward to addressing a score of topics such as hardware selection, game reviews, administration buy-in, gaming and the curriculum, tabletop games, case studies of successful gaming programs, and much more
“Youth today are platform agnostic. Stories and information—regardless of format—are the core of the modern library, and today’s learners must be fluent in all formats, not just traditional ones,” states Beth Gallaway, library trainer, consultant, and avid gamer. By integrating video and tabletop (board, card, and dice) games into library services and programs, these youngsters are being motivated to visit on a regular basis, and libraries are evolving into inviting hubs for teens.
But gaming is not only is a lens with which to understand this generation, it also provides young people the opportunity to develop important social and educational skills including interacting with peers, adults, and family members; becoming team players; and sharpening problem-solving and literacy skills. Shana Compton, in her book Gamers: Writers, Artists, and Programmers on the Pleasure of Pixels (Soft Skull Press, 2004), states that “…games have provided us with something books, music, the plastic arts, and even film have not. We get to act as well as react. We get to play.”
Playing games has become an intergenerational phenomenon. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), “Eighty percent of gamer parents say they play video games with their kids. Sixty-six percent feel that playing games has brought their families closer together.” With the line between entertainment and educational games blurring, a survey conducted last year by RealNetworks, Inc. found that 75 percent of parents interviewed believed that playing games was beneficial.
While parental/community support is important, an invested library administration and staff is essential. I was the Young Adult Librarian at Bloomington Public Library (IL) for four years. A supportive administration and a technology manager with a vision for solid library services to children and young adults helped build the gaming program there. We used the large community room to play video games such as Dance Dance Revolution and Mario Kart, board games such as chess and Pictionary, and more. The youngsters even brought their own Yu-Gi-Oh! decks and created a space on the floor to play. Adjacent to this room was the computer lab where we networked Battlefield 1942, a first person shooter game (rated T for teens) which was a huge draw. We developed community partnerships with local gaming stores, departments of parks and recreation, and a neighboring library to reach out to many more teens. Over several years and with the help of grant money, lots of effort on the part of staff, motivated teens, and positive feedback from parents, this program became a huge success.
At the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (NC), where I am currently the Technology Education Librarian, we offer a monthly video game club, after-hours family tabletop and video gaming events. and are beginning a class in video game creation. Libraries are developing lifelong users through gaming programs.
As the column editor of “The Gaming Life,” I would like to hear about your innovative ideas for incorporating gaming into your library programming. Here are some suggestions to help your library become part of the revolution that is sweeping libraries across the country.
Know what they are playing
When young people come to the desk asking for reader’s advisory services, we probably wouldn’t hesitate to ask what book they are currently reading. But what if they are wearing an “I heart elves” t-shirt (a reference to the online game, WoW—World of Warcraft) or battling furiously with a handheld device. Ask them what they are playing and take some time to learn more about the game.
Create a time for gaming
Kids rushing into the library during or after school to competitively play RuneScape will disturb other library patrons. Think about creating a time slot just for gaming. Whether it’s right after school for an hour or two, or in between classes, set aside some time when kids can interact together over a computer screen or a table game.
Play with them
While nothing might be more humorous than playing Pictionary with a librarian who is artistically challenged, think of how it would engage young people. Give yourself the chance to interact with the population you serve by arranging for a brief break from shelving or weeding books and play games with them. There are plenty of pick up and play card games such as Apples to Apples and Fluxx.
Build positive communication
Support from and positive communication with family members can be important to tweens and teens. Plan for family game nights with a variety of games such as Monkey Ball or Burn Out. Valuing young people as resources by asking them about the kinds of gaming programs and services they would like at the library will go a long way in developing their participation.
Change your library’s image through outreach
Do you give booktalks at schools? Go one step further and bring along some cheat codes for popular video games. Depending on the age of your audience, bring a movie such as Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon to let them know about the different formats the library carries and to appeal to gamers.
Merchandising and advertising
During summer reading programs, give away prizes such as inexpensive bookmarks or more costly t-shirts or mugs that publicize your program, or ask a local gaming store to donate prizes. Have gaming opportunities that match the theme of summer reading or tournaments for Teen Tech Week. Use social networks such as MySpace to invite teens you have “friended.” They will tell their peers and the news will spread. Be sure to take photos or even videos of the activities to attract more people next time.
Have fun
It’s good to laugh at yourself when you can’t seem to remember which buttons to press on the wireless guitar for Guitar Hero II or how to steer a car on the screen so it won’t crash. It’s okay. Practice. Develop relationships with young gamers so they will want to come back to the library again and again.
Author Information
Kelly Czarnecki is the technology education librarian of ImaginOn, a collaborative venture between the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, NC. She is also the co-chair of the YALSA gaming discussion group.
Enviado por: Daisy Luz Delgado (Grupo 3)
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